Why Aspire ?




Why should one aspire to be a Jīvanmuktha (जीवन्मुक्ता) ?

There may be some who genuinely question the purpose and value of such metaphysical quest in this technological age, when man sets himself no limit to the conquest of nature and extending the frontiers of scientific knowledge. It can only be said in reply that the metaphysical quest in the privacy of one’s being is no less arduous in its preparation and execution and no less exhilarating and fruitful in its results than the adventures of modern man to set foot on the moon or on the mars. On the other hand, it requires courage and strength of will far exceeding the latter, and its successful accomplishment dowers one with a peace and a bliss which these modern adventures can never hope to give. Atmavichara is no less scientific because it signifies the rigorous analysis of the Atman – Anatman complex, rejection of every layer of non-atman and the final knowing and being the residual atman. While the regard of the one is the glory of the ‘conquest’ of the nature and extension of the frontiers of scientific knowledge, the gain from the other is the transition from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light, from death to immortality. The former, when it is not tainted by pride fills the heart with wonder, humility and awe; vied the exclamation of the first cosmonauts that set foot on the moon. The latter dowers one with a joy and peace signified by the word Ananda or bliss. Such a one is not born again. As Shri Bhagavatpada puts it, both are adventures of the spirit, to explore the infinite, the one of the spirit of the man, the other of the Spirit that is man. The one is the expression of the conquest of matter, the other of the negation of matter. The second is more exacting and rigorous than the first. 

(As written by Shri Sankaranarayanan , in 'Translator's Introduction' to the commentary of Sri Chandrasekhara Bharati on विवेकचूडामणि ) 

( PS : You can find the book in Google Books catalogue here. )


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, True that. Written by 'P. Sankaranarayanan' !

  2. Replies
    1. Its my pleasure, to actually inspire the perspiring and aspiring JivanMukthas. Thanks for Stopping by, Nani :-) Keep Visiting !

  3. Vivek, a very good article.

    1. Thanks Viswanath ji :-)

      Very happy to see your appreciation. Thanks for stopping by.


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